Crysis 2: disponibile una patch per le versioni PS3 e Xbox 360

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icon14  CAT_IMG Posted on 4/4/2011, 13:48

Electronic Arts e Crytek hanno annunciato oggi il rilascio di una nuova patch di Crysis 2, per le versioni Xbox 360 e PS3. Di seguito trovate i link del forum per maggiori informazioni: (360); (PS3) e a seguire i dettagli specifici di tutte le aree di intervento.
- A number of AI fixes and improvements (single-player campaign)
- Improved anti-cheat protection
- Fix for missing and corrupt sounds
- Fix for music tracks repeating when they shouldn't, and two different tracks occasionally playing at the same time
- A range of networking improvements, including fixes to host migration
- Fix for Capture the Relay where the CELL team would occasionally not be able to pick-up the relay in the second round
- Addressed a bug with the "Show All" radar option when players would intermittently not be shown
- Ammo crates now disappear from tactical hints when they're emptied (single-player campaign)
- Fix for a number of After-Match Awards not being correctly allocated
- Fix for inaccurate audio being played during the kill replay camera
- Smoothed the transition into and out of the kill replay camera
- Fix for the battle announcer audio occasionally reporting inaccurate Support Bonus information
- Fix for the Deflection bonus staying permanently active if held by a player at the end of a round
- Fix for menus scrolling continually if a direction is held on the left analog stick during load
- Various Skill Assessment fixes so stats are tracked correctly
- Leaderboard fixes for data occasionally being shown in the incorrect column
- Fix for an issue with shadow rendering
- Fix for crouch and zoom being on the same button in one of the alternate control schemes
- Added additional announcer signposting when approaching the score limit in game modes
- Fix for players of rank 50 being shown as rank 51 in-game
- Improved ledge grab transition speed
- Reduced lag when switching weapons
- Fix for a Stealth Kill bug where, if performing a kill on a moving target, pressing the button would sometimes drag players along behind that opponent instead of performing the kill
- Fix for explosions occasionally not rendering in the kill replay camera
- Fix for an issue when trying to switch weapon during a slide, where players were sometimes left in a no-weapon

Edited by redrivers - 9/7/2011, 23:26
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